

hi all

At 11:58 1999/04/25 EDT, maryhelen wrote, in part:
>My dear friend Ernie
>Thank you so very much for coming to my rescue. Only you could
>put into words what I just didn't know how to-do.
>I'm not trying to make excuses but even though I feel the way
>you explained, I realize the LIST was not the place to air my

au contraire, my dear
if something has been posted here
which you feel requires discussion
this is the place to do the airing -
how else would we have arrived at this point
with ernie's wise advice?

>Two thirds and more of my days have been 'hardcore' OFF.
>Personal family worries are for the first time completely
>out of my reach to help I can only watch. I don't offer
>this as excuse for having voiced something on the list that
>I otherwise wouldn't have, it's probably an explanation, more
>for myself to quit letting myself slip into the victim role...
>I do however apologize to the list. Emotional tug of war over
>people's sensitivity or insensitivity on racial stuff is not
>the purpose of this list. Ernie, thank you for so much...

in my humble opinion
no 'explanation' is needed
no 'apology' for 'explaining' is needed
but sharing your insight about background influences is generous of you


janet paterson - 52 now /41 dx /37 onset - [log in to unmask]
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