

I just read about a conference, described as follows:

An annual conference designed for people with Parkinson
        Disease, their caregivers, family and anyone interested in learning
        more about the new medications and current treatment strategies
        for Parkinson Disease. Program highlights include how to better
        identify the symptoms of Parkinson Disease and side effects of
        treatment and how to use this information when communicating
        with your doctor. You will learn how to better rely on your
        spirituality as a source of strength and ways to improve your
        coping skills to maintain control of your life. You will also hear
        how laughter can be as important as medication for living a high
        quality life.

Sound interesting?  I think so.  This WAS the 1999 Kenton Kilmer
Parkinson Disease Symposium, which was held last Wednesday,
21 April, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  I found it at

Somebody had made the effort to put the web site together.

You know what's more interesting?  It wasn't mentioned here in the
Parkinson's Information Exchange.  More correctly I searched through
the archives for 1999 and found no references to "Kenton" or Kilmer"
and no references to this meeting when I found "Milwaukee."

Nobody took the smaller effort to tell this list.

We say that we are becoming visible to the world.  How can that be
when we remain invisible to one another?  If there was ever an easy
way to make ourselves visible to the Parkinson's community, if there
ever was an inexpensive way - - this list is it!

This conference, as it was described, was put on primarily for the benefit
of the patients, their families and caregivers.  You're missing a good bunch
of them by not announcing the conference here.  And you might well
wonder how much more we are missing.  I certainly do.
