

Hi friends-- I'm glad to be getting PD list mail again, as my iMAC seems to
be behaving itself--at the moment anyway.

I'm sure I've missed a lot of good info, daunting questions, and hilarious
jokes---maybe the latest from Parkinsaw,MI even?......but it was neat that
the first post I got was Margaret Tuchman's  about the fine articles in the
N.J. paper.  Way to go, Margaret !

The CARE list, whjich I have been reading during my "vacation" from this
one, has welcomed several new members, and was nearing 350  when I last
checked.  I'll repost the announcement here for the benefit of newcomers.

I've also learned (on a totally unrelated list) of a couple formerly from
the U.S. but now living  on the island of Tobago--a PWP in bad shape and
his wife/CG, and hope they will join both lists soon.....if there is anyone
else out there from Tobago, which I believe is a small island off the coast
of Trinidad,  she would be glad to know that, as they are totally isolated
now from any PD community.

I can report that our small local support group appreciated Archbishop
Tutu's prayer for us all, and copies were given to members to take to their
churches.  The prayer and accompanying article should be in our weekly
paper today.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 80/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "