

Dear Barbara:

I am a CG for a Barbara, thus I do not know what it feels to have PD,
but I
have lived with it day in and day out for ten years.  It is difficult
and painful
for both of us with the frequent falls and 'off ' periods.  I have
problems too that interfere with normal living, such a triple coronary
Yet, we try to look at the positive aspects of our afflictions and do
what we
are able to do and not delve on what was.  We can still love, and care,
hug, and go to museums, theatre, movies, parks, concerts, restaurants,
we can still be with family and friends.  We are active within our
group which has become an extended family and we support each other
and do better because we empathize and understand each other.
The positive will make you better until we find the cure.

Michel Margosis
'Carpe Diem'