

Julia Stein wrote:
> I am looking for the PD support groups in Northern California near Redding
> and the name of a doctor that specializes in Parkinson's in Northern
> Califnornia, also near Redding, if any is in the area. Any help would be
> appreciated.
> Julia Stein
> Julia Stein
> [log in to unmask]

I suggest that you call UC San Francisco's Parkinson's Diease clinic,
headed by Dr. Michael Aminoff (a prominent movement specialist and
researcher), along with his assistant Dr. Glenna Dowling (she has a PhD
in nursing, and runs a support group in SF as well as alot of the
clinical stuff and clinical research trials at that clinic), and ask for
a referral.  Also call the Parkinson's Institute in Sunnyvale for a
referral to a Dr., but also that is where the Peninsula  Parkinson's
Support Groups, Inc., PPSG, is run from (PPSG is kind of a referral,
news, "clearing house" organization that communicates with support
groups throughout a fairly large area in Northern Calif.)
PPSG:  408-734-1593
Park. Inst: 408-734-2800 (ask for Carol Marchi, outreach coordinator)
UCSF: Clinic Info: 415-476-4173; Merrily Burger, Outreach Coor,
Good luck