

Linda -

I can't offer you any advice about the dizziness, other than to agree with
your doctor that it's a good idea to eliminate non-essential meds to try to
determine what might be causing the dizziness.  As a nurse, you know how
difficult it is to narrow it down if there are lots of meds in the mix.

 I can understand your wanting to delay Sinemet.  A great number of
listmembers feel the same way.  It seems to me that some neuros also like to
hold off as long as possible, while others don't believe it makes a great
deal of difference.  My only piece of advice is this:  don't delay taking
Sinemet for so long that your ability to do your job becomes severely
compromised.  It's not worth it.  I'd say if you're functioning well on just
the Mirapex, then your doctor should respect your wishes and allow you to
avoid Sinemet awhile longer.  If you're having increasing difficulty or are
increasingly symptomatic, to the point that it's noticeable to those around
you, I'd advise you to start on a low dose of Sinemet, of course with your
doctor's guidance.  If you WANT to work, then you should do whatever
possible, including adding other meds, that will allow you to continue to do

I see so many listmembers who would rather do about anything rather than
start on Sinemet.  I'm not sure where that extreme level of fear comes from.
My husband Dick can tell you that if you get to the point that you have to go
on disability, you'll regret it, and there's no changing your mind and going
back later.  If some of the meds and surgeries that are now available had
been available five years ago, Dick could probably have kept teaching longer.
 However, he CAN empathize with you about not wanting to accept the idea of
actually having PD.

Best of luck to you.  Margie Swindler, cg for Dick, 54/17

 Hello, all. Linda here,50 yrs. old, dx'd 11 mos. ago at  age 49. Doc
 started me on mirapex, increasing the dose until I got to 4.5 mg/day.
 Been on this dose since Jan. As far as I remember, I started noticing
 dizziness in Mar. It has been increasing, Don't have it when i wake up,
 but it starts about an hr. after I take my first hand-full of meds. Meds
 are mirapex, asa, premarin, provera, and St. John's Wort in the A.M. At
 noon I take mirapex, S.J.W., and b-complex. Evening it's mirapex, S.J.W.,
 ane vit E. Saw my neuro yest., and he wanted to decrease the mirapex and
 start sinemet. I gave him puppy-dog eyes and pleaded with him- said I was
 really hoping to hold off longer. He relented, sort of, and said to stop
 the St. John's Wort and call him in 1 month with an update.He said , as
 far as my PD goes, I look good. Any ideas, thoughts, anything on this? My
 mind isn't ready to accept the idea of sinemet. I still work as  a nurse,
 and am leery about how I'll react to it, plus,  I was hoping to hold off
 at least 2 years. Part of me is still in denial that I really have PD.
 Maybe it's sitting in front of this computer! As you can probably tell,
 I'm quite shook up about all this. Thank you all for tolerating this.