

Rick:  People are so very different in their reactions to illness, death,
trauma which their friends suffer.  Many do not know what to say so say
nothing.  In fact, my own cousins living across the country from me, never
acknowledged my new disease although in possession of the diagnosis and
symptoms.  This is painful.  Perhaps they resent the intrusion of the
disease into their family gene pool.  My friends are thoughtful and kind,
interested in my comfort level when we are together.  The social get-togethers
we share are usually initiated by me, since I am not working anymore and
have the time to arrange things.  I'm a musician and play in two ensembles.
It is vitally important to me that my activities continue as long as
they sustain my mental health as exercise sustains my physical mobility.
Why wait for friends to call--you call them and keep the relationship intact.
Your friends will undoubtedly appreciate YOUR thoughtful  attention to them.

Clare Wilson