

1/ if you received our introductory mailing from the Parkinson
Alliance, were you interested in participating in the Pennies for
Parkinson's fund raising effort?
Yes, but I got the packet as a result of hearing about it ahead of time.

2/ did you receive the individual's packet or the support group's one?

3/ did you call for additional information and/or a supply of
brochures or labels?
Yes; more labels; pamphlets to put into several libraries
3/ did you receive a reply?

Yes, an immediate and strong reply.

4/ do you think that grassroots' efforts to raise funds for research
is viable?
I think it is essential!

5/ did you read about the Parkinson Alliance's mission and plans on
the Listserv?
I heard of it from several places almost simultaneously.

6/ did you go to the website and try to learn more about them?
No, not at first; later, yes.

7/ do you wish to see more posts relating to the PA?

8/ do you believe that science is on the brink of discovering a cure?
I think "brink" and "nearly" are words that can mean decades.  I think
that we have to push it over the brink.  You know the old saying "I'm
98% there, but it's the last 2% that's a killer"--well I feel that is
quite literally true for PWPs.  I don't want the last 2% to take 10
years or more, as some prominent people say; I, and an increasingly
large number of others, want it in no more than 5 years.  We are chafing
over it!

9/ do you believe that it will happen within 5 years?

If we can organize, mobilize, visualize, and really focus on putting on
the pressure for awareness (media, media, media), government support at
all levels, and involve the research teams both private and public, we
can--but that's a tall order.  We need more activists to get more

10/ are you willing to combine all our resources to guarantee that a
cure will be discovered?

What is meant by "combine all our resources to guarantee"?  Sorry, I
really don't know what you mean.

Feel free to make any comments - it is the SILENCE that I am afraid
of. Thank you.

Thanks Margaret for helping our cause so much; this survey is a very
good idea.
My fingers are not nibble enough now for further comment.
