

I have just returned home from the Landmark Mall, site of the 2nd annual
WALKATHON of the Capital Chapter of the NPF.

        HArd Work?                      Yes
        lots of people?         Yes.
        lots of bagels?         Yes
        lots of fun?            Yes
        lots of money?          I hope so!

Along with the WALKATHON there was a HEAlTH FAIR with tables from reps  of
many of the drug companies, some manufactures e.g. of mobility aides for pwp,
a chiropractor, a speech therapist and so on. We engendered much interest frm
the regular mall visitors and shoppers, who seemed   quite happy to make a
small donation in order to partake of the bagels! I'm too tired to write
coherently at the moment, but I think it was a fun event, and a great way to
awaken public interest, and raise some money  to help finance the cure!
Hilary Blue