

Does anyone think there is still interest in some of this group attempting
to get on the Oprah show for the publicity?  Or is she not as popular

I learned recently that an old girlfriend of mine has gone into a joint
venture with
her. Well, not girlfriend, exactly - I dated her in  high school.  Well,
dated her, exactly - I had one date with her, and it was not a particularly
successful one, from my particularly male point of view.  But it's a

Actually, it's a much better one than it sounds.  Our families were close -
our now elderly
mothers were best friends and we spent many holidays together for many
years.  I last saw her about  twelve years ago or so at her brother's

Her name is Geraldine Laybourne.  She created the Niclelodeum children's TV
network and she was its CEO until she left head Disney / ABC Cable a
couple of
ago. She now heads something called Oxygen Media, which is a joint venture
between Gerry, Harpo Productions [Oprah spelled backwards, and her operating
company], and America Online [I don't THINK General Motors is involved!]

Anyway, Gerry is a real publicity hound - go into any multi-engine search

engine and you get literally hundreds of "hits" on her and she has been
often quoted as saying Oprah is her hero.  It appears she not only met her
but has gone to work with her.

I am certain I would at least get a response from her if I wrote describing
my plight and the plight of all PWPs, explaining our inability to get to
Oprah and how we feel this type of show with a bunch of real characters [you
guys!] would be a natural , etc. We were friends for a long time.  My
problem is this:  I need some help with this letter.  Dear Gerry,  Remember
me? blah, blah, blah. Can someone help me out and draft the business end of
it?   Briefly giving the facts of PD, costs of not finding the cure, the
doublecross by congress, and how entertaining I think it could be, maybe
mentioning we have a whole bunch of all kinds of well-spoken folks who have
already agreed to be on TV should the occasion arise? Maybe somehow stress
women - Oxygen Media is going to concentrate on women oriented cable TV and

Just another crazy idea, but I would definitely need help.