

Its funny how different people can look at the same set of facts and see
completely different things! Just this weekend, my friend Anne and I were
discussing our strategies for collecting pennies for pd.  And we came to te
same conclusion, though we used different idioms ,. I referred to cannibalism
- she called it incestuous - the fact that we keep on coming back to ourselves
for donations time after time.  Our reactions were that we were the people
living with this dire disease, we were the people caring for those with this
dire disease and time after time, we were being asked to pay for the
privellege. ANd we had both come to the conclusion, that the time had come to
move outwards, to seek fresh fields and pastures new - to find people willing
to donate who wouldn't feel they were being bled dry.  I offer no criticism; I
expect to arouse some. I just thought I'd let you know that some of us feel
differently about the subject. But we will work just as hard to bring in the
dough. Just, we'll do it our way. If  you dont mind.
Hilary  Blue.