

That was a great message.  I have been nagging mom's internist to get an apt
at Emory with a MDS.  FINALLY the office called back to say it was a 5 month
wait. They gently told me that she was already on the Emory books with
Dr.Freeman, that her daughter called a couple of months ago to make the apt.
Then (with a giggle in her voice) the nurse said   'and, Kathy, we all know
you are an only child!'    Well, after I finished blushing and feeling
really dumb I remembered making the apt right about the time we started the
remodeling to move mom in here.  Unfortunately I then promptly forgot I had
done it!  (yeah, well maybe I am more stressed than I like to let on)  It
was good to hear that someone recommended him, I don't have a clue where I
originally got his name.  Perhaps I should make myself an apt at the Memory
Disorders Clinic.