

hi all

At 12:42 1999/04/29 -0700, rick wrote:
>Every time an issue comes up that puts list members on the
>track of self-evaluation about what more we could be doing
>to increase research funding, publicize the great cause,
>and all that, I start to think about all that I currently
>have that I am grateful for. These things include, for a
>my thirteen year old son and his rock n roll drumming
>living in the U.S., not Kosovo
>being able to ride a horse
>my wife's love
>having a job I really like
>riding a bicycle, every day, rain or shine
>enough food
>a sense of humor
>medications that work
>I think one thing that we can all do to enhance or initiate
>healing, not be "cured" maybe, is to cultivate an attitude
>of gratitude about our lives.
>I'd love to see other lists.
>Rick, 48/46

what an enlightening concept!

being grateful for what we have does not necessarily
take away from our passion for pursuing our dreams
quite the opposite, as far as i am concerned

developing the habit of seeing the positives of a situation
can turn a sour outlook into a joyful one

here's a start to my list:

1. i can see pd as a gift, a challenging one to be sure,
but a gift nonetheless, with more positives than negatives

2. 11 long years of learning some tough lessons

3. this cyber-family

4. dear friends and family

5. reconnections with long lost friends and family

6. belly laughs

7. this moment


janet paterson - 52 now /41 dx /37 onset - [log in to unmask]
613/256/8340 - po box 171/almonte/ontario/k0a 1a0/canada

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