

Dear Jerry,
Please don't go, and please don't think the entire list is whining. More
probably, being human, we post about everything we're feeling bad about,
rather than what we're feeling good about more often than not, and it
may seem at times as though there is nothing but griping.

I agree -- I think it's fine to donate to any of the PD organizations,
Mary's post was excellent in outlining points we either don't know or
often forget.

> Instead of complaining, then YOU come up with some
> positive ways to funding research. YOU get out and
> raise money. YOU beat your head against the wall
> because folks on this list had rather resist and bitch
> and cry than be proactive.

That's a good challenge, and one I've give a lot of thought to. My ways
are small and may not make much of a difference. But I do donate to PD
organizations, and have presented the "Pennies for Parkinson's" concept
to our local support group. I also give part of my time; and am
beginning a second research study -- not the research you are wishing
for, but nevertheless intended to raise awareness of PD and raise the
quality of life for people with PD.

Please don't feel that your voice has been unheard -- you have been an
inspiration to me and many, many others, I know, even though we haven't
always said so. Please don't leave the list. Together, we are much
stronger, and we need your strength. Try to be patient with our "bad
days" posts, I've been having quite a few the past month and haven't
been very supportive to those around me I'm afraid. But I promise to be
positive and supportive, especially if you'll stay on the list!!

My very best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
Medical nutrition therapy
    "We are living in a world today where
      lemonade is made from artificial flavors and
      furniture polish is made from real lemons."   --Alfred E. Newman