


I wonder whether members of CASLL would be able to help me out with
suggestions for a proposal I have to write in the next week.   It's a
proposal about how we can integrate technology into our Centre for
Academic Writing.  Primarily, I'm interested in ideas about
computer-assisted writing support.  We have a peer-tutoring program that
is extremely popular with students, but up until now we have functioned
without any kind of computer support for this service.  Our tutors
provide 50 minute individual consultations.  As well, we offer a variety
of in-class and out-of-class workshops for students and for faculty.

We aren't interested in technology that will do away with people, but
rather ways that we can enhance what we already do.  In particular, we'd
like to set something up for distance writing support (that is, for
students off campus).

I have no idea what if anything we will get from this proposal, but I
want to "think big" for now.  I'd love to know what CASLL members would
ask for if you could have whatever you wanted for this kind of pedagogy.

thank you!
