

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses      45     deg. F   :-)
I don't understand it.   Why has  this happened?

On Tuesday, April 20, my state-paid live-in personal care  attendant
(p.c.a.) abandoned his overnight job here,  stating that he found a
convenience-store job at higher pay, with fringe benefits. He moved his
belongings away on Wednesday, April 21, and  he has vanished.  His room
is vacant.

For two weeks, my visiting p.c.a's have covered me, 4 of 7 nights, and 3
nights have been covered by friends in combination with one of the

  On  Monday,   April 26,  after a  week of trying, I called the State
human services dep't., to ask for help to find a new nighttime live-in
personal care attendant. Friday morning, April 30, a Medicaid Waiver
beaureaucrat came down from Augusta to my house.

She said that if I cannot find a suitable nighttime p.c.a. by Friday, May
7, she would recommend   that I  be institutionalized. She was angry at
me because I had spoken out for help, and was just "following federal

My adult protective social worker from Human Services didn't show up at
all!  A tape recording says he is out of the office until  Wednesday, May

Are hey planning on making me go against my will to be LOCKED UP IN A

What is happening??  This is obviously NOT Denmark.  It is madness.

Is there a PWP-lawyer or  retired judge reading this who can contact me

Am I  being told that PWP's have no rights, and must remain invisible?

Please excuse me, but this is a huge pile of  BULL----      I will NOT be
a victim.

Maine's  Governor is at 207-287-3531. His name  is  Angus King, Jr.  I
believe he is my ally, but the Medicaid official warned me.  She said do
not call him!!

I am shaken , but resisting,

Ivan Suzman