

Thanks to Barb Patterson for starting the PIE List. It is a fantastic
I have been round the doctors
offices with vision problems getting more confused and depressed with
every visit.

Then today there were 10 messages on the list talking about MY PROBLEMS.

I see double sometimes and my eye jumps on and off the line I am reading.
I have floaters and fuzzy vision and I have used
glasses for distance from the age of 25, I also have dry eyes.

And I have a supposedly rare condition called surface wrinkling
 retinopathy or epi-retinal membrane.  I have it in both
eyes which they say is unusual. Opinions are tied 2/2 for and against

I have seen a prism technologist recently, and being a PWP my eyes were
doing everything right. I will go again with pills OFF to
find if that makes any difference.

This list is such a comfort to us.

Anne Rutherford