

John wrote in part---

>To keep within the spirit of the "Pennies for Parkinson's" theme, we
>offer our program of Virtual Canisters on our web site to enable those
>individuals who enjoy reading Parkinsaw, MI: A View from the Lighter
>Side of PD, to make a minimum contribution of One Thousand Pennies.  To
>relieve you of the arduous task of collecting, packing and mailing all
>these pennies, we simply ask you to send a check for $10 made out to
>Parkinson Alliance to us here at the Parkinsaw, MI collection center,
>for forwarding on to Washington.  We want the checks to come here first
>so we'll know how well Parkinsaw, MI collection efforts are doing.  For
>more details, just click-on the "Thousand Pennies for Parkinson's"
>selection on the main menu of the web site.  (For Listserv members, the
>web site is at

Well,John, I was trying to comply, but the URL as typed here didn't work.
Is there perhaps a typo?
The concept of a "virtual" canister is so mind-boggling that I wanted to
make my small contribution "virtually" - but with real $$$ of course- which
seems like an oxymoron of the first order---how about trying again with the

Camilla Flintermann
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                                "Love People----
                                 ----- Use Things"