

<<we've told our kids to send
whatever they were planning to spend for their Mother's Day gifts to
Pennies for Parkinson's. The same for Father's Day too.>>

Hi Linda,
I like your idea alot.  I've told me family to do the same.

Make checks payable to: PARKINSON ALLIANCE and mail them to
1250 24th Street NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20037

All donations are tax deductible, as the Parkinson Alliance is a
501(c)(3)non-profit entity.

All monies collected for the funding of PRO-Seed Grants are deposited into a
separate account that has no other function than to hold the money until
grants are awarded by the NPF Peer Review Panel.

This account is closely monitored and tracked by the Exec. Cmtee
members - a statement is produced bi-weekly showing a state by state
break-down. This information will be posted to this group and will be
available on the PA website:

An independent nationally respected auditing company will audit and
prepare reports on a regular basis. These will be available to the
