

Dear Barb,
Glad to see that you are getting some feedback on vision problems. Have
been diagnosed 11 years with PD. About 8 years ago had to give up night
driving as cannot judge where the end of the road is at a bend or a
corner my eyes just do not focus quickly enough in the dark.Have had
from day one of medication blurry vision at night  just cannot focus
clearly with slight halo around words . I have worn glasses since 5
years old for reading due to asstigmatism in right eye.At the age of 40
my sight necessitated glasses to be worn all the time, had no further
problems until PD. We do have macular degeneration in the family so have
annual eye examinations .The doctor says my eyes are healthy but my
focus reaction is somewhat slow. Culd be due to sluggish muscle
cotraction as my right side is the side affected by PD.and he puts the
blurred vision down to tirednes or the affect of medication?My "menu"for
the day is 4 Sinemet cr 50/200 1 Sinemet 25/100 2 Elderpryl 5mg 4 1/2
Mirapex 1Mg .which is controlling my PD very well Sinemet and Elderpryl
I have had from onset, and feel it could be either or causing the eye
problem .I think this is the night driving problem. I drive only short
distances daytime due to the exhaustion. Never drive during "off" times
after experiencing a close call when I had like a shutter on a camera
affect of dropping off to sleep ? for a n instant coming too to find
myself full speed at an angle on the highway thank the Lord at that
instance the road was clear infront and beside me.These peculiar
instances come more frequently when I am tired but have reported to
neuro and GP and they just make a note of it, Anyone else experience
this weird seconds of losing it. I wondered could it be a form of
Dyskinisia?Sometimns it will almost knock me off my feet .When I feel it
coming on if I go and lie down just for 5 minutes I can get up feeling
fine.  I constantly at night tip the coffee down my front as I have an
attack?it begins and ends in a second. Anyone throw some light on this
Still hope ,pray and have faith for a cure
Margaret Clark 59/11