

Hi Jennifer ,

The only symptom I had to start with 5 years ago was a light tremor in my
right thumb .  It has advanced to hand and now a little in the rigth arm .
I did not experience the early symptoms you did mention .
As you see each case is a case ...

Cheers ,

Jennifer Smith wrote:

> I am reposting this message from earlier.  When I posted it before it
> was not under a subject heading that described the contents fairly.  I
> recieved no responses or comments so I assume it kind of got lost in the
> shuffle.  Either that or no one had anything to say about it.  In any
> case, I am running it up the flagpole one more time and see if anyone
> salutes it:
> Dear Listmembers,
> I have been following the posts about vision problems, dry scalp/skin
> and moving crumbs with great interest.  Many of these things have been
> minor problems or observations for me for a number of  years.  My
> question is
> this: of the above mentioned, are any of these PD relatated or drug
> related?  What I am looking for here are some possible warning signs of
> PD that were ignored by me as just some wierd thing.  As far as vision
> goes, I have had problems with tired eyes since my late teens.
> Convergence problems and left eye drooping when I got tired, sometimes
> double vision.  I wore glasses for a while to help with the convergence
> problem which was attributed to weak muscles in my eyes.  I hated them
> and stopped wearing them and just lived with it.  I have also had
> floaters in my eyes but they come and go.  I see things moving that
> aren't moving but, there again, ususally when my eyes were tired.  Most
> of these things along with itchy scalp and dry skin began in my late
> teens and early twenties.  I just lived with them because there were no
> other strange things happening to my body at the time so I just figured
> they were just part of my chemistry.  I have also remembered that since
> those years I have had bouts of depression but also figured that was
> just part of life.  I only began to worry when I developed numbness and
> later a tremor in my right hand which progressed over the course of
> about eight months into breathing problems, left foot tremor, stiffness
> and rigidity and loss of balance.  I was diagnosed in January   of this
> year (now age 41) with PD when the doctor I was seeing gave me a
> dose of Sinemet and breathing, tremors and rigidity returned to normal
> and loss of balance improved dramatically.
> Could it be that some of these things were beginning symptoms?  Call me
> crazy (it wouldn't be the first time) but would like to hear comments on
> this.  Thanks in advance for any replies.
> Jennifer Smith
> --
> Ars Longa - Vita Brevis
> Art is Long - Life is short
> :(:) )

   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
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