


My name is Kay Messiter and I work for Parkinson's NSW in Sydney Australia.
I am 45 and I have had PD for 12 years.

My brother who is 48 has Schizophrenia - he was about 34 when we started
noticing significant changes in his behaviour.

Another interesting factor is that my parents were first cousins and I have
since read material of young onset PD people's parents being first cousins.
My mother always told me that they had permission to marry (I don't know who
gave them permission and I never thought to ask) - I'm not sure who or what
government department keeps track of these sorts of things!  Anyway I have
always felt that this is where my brother and I got the defective gene from.
My brother was a heavy marijuana smoker for many years and as I'm sure you
would be aware, it has now been proven that marijuana can cause

It is interesting that we were both roughly the same age at onset of PD and
who knows if I had been a marijuana smoker perhaps I would have contracted
schizophrenia - I hate PD but I would rather have that than Schizophrenia.

I have heard of a number of other cases of siblings of PD people having
Schizophrenia but as you mention, medicos and researchers don't appear to be
too interested in this link but I feel as you do that there is definitely a

Kind regards

Kay Messiter