

        I watched the 20-20 program on Monday night - List member Lynda McKenzie
did a great job. Unfortunately I missed the last few minutes - my son was
asking some questions, and I didn't hear Lynda's closing comment.  I felt
at the time that the report on the placebo effect was good, but wished
they had more fully discussed why PWP would be willing to undergo brain
surgery knowing they had only a 50-50 chance of receiving an experimental
        Thank you Judith for posting the entire transcript, especially since I
could now read the closing comments. The last question to Lynda was:

DR TIMOTHY JOHNSON What do you say to the critics who say there's still
some risk involved in this procedure, this sham surgery, and no benefit?

LYNDA MCKENZIE I would say, try having Parkinson's for a little while
and then decide what you think.

        Lynda, you very eloquently answered Dr. Johnson's questions and helped
educate the viewers about PD. Thanks for participating in this report.

Linda Herman