

Some comments on the continuing vision discussion:

1.  The problem is not in the eyes, it's in the brain.

2.  Anything that stresses balance is a challenge for PWP. Balance
adjustments are normally made by a cooperation among the vestibular system,
sensory system, i.e., proprioception [feedback from muscles], and vision. I
believe that this is where we have problems -- balance is shot!  There is
almost no good research on this.

3.  PWP often walk better upstairs than on flat ground -- perhaps because
stairs provide the rhythmicity we are lacking.  However, starting downstairs
and negotiating curbs require a moment of balance and PWP may falter or fall.
Even people without PD find this task hard when wearing bifocals!  Bifocals
disrupt the visual contribution to balance and contribute to freezing,
falling, and misjudging distances. PWP with visual complaints should not be
corrected with bifocals or multifocal glasses.

Jacqueline Winterkorn, PhD, MD