

My wife Carline, the PWP uses Fava beans. Here is some info on preparation etc.
1. Availability: She obtains them in a local supermarket in a plastic bag in the
frozen food dept. They are an Italian specialty and they are more likely to be
available in areas with a large Italian population. I have also seen them fresh
at local vegetable stand. They look like overgrown string beans. They are also
available dried and free of their inner shell (see
below) in Italian deli specialty stores.

2. Preparation: Fresh Fava Beans look like large string beans, and as such must
be shelled to remove the casing. What emerges is beans which look like large
Lima beans but are a nice deep green color. This is the type which is available
frozen. But, You are not done yet. The individual beans have a tough inner shell
which also must be removed. They are then cooked pretty much like other beans.
Salt and Herbs can be added, and they taste like beans (say like lima beans).
They are quite tasty and can be treated as just a nice food.

3. Effectiveness: Carline takes a heaping table spoon full and actually uses it
as a spread on an English Muffin. But as far as I can tell it has very little or
no effect (but then so does almost everything else). But is certainly worth
trying. They are relatively inexpensive (except when fresh, because the yield is
so low). So try them and if nothing else, they can be considered a pleasant