

Hello folks:  For the last two weeks I have been locked out of the internet
because of a silly problem which resulted with me being bounced between my
Software provider and my Internet Service provider.  The final outcome is
that I eventually had to bite the bullet and agree to my mail box being
dumped (With 3 Mb of mail in it !)

If anyone has tried to contact me since 27 April please accept my apologies,
and if you re-send your message I promise to reply. It will also fill what
seems like a large hole in my life - It confirms what I have suspected for
some time - The Parkinsn List is ADDICTIVE !!!
It's nice to be back.

PS For those waiting for my analysis of the Dopamine Agonists, the situation
is: 1 ) It is proving very difficult to extract sense from the data, and 2)
My life has been moving at a fast pace lately, and it is difficult to spend
'Quality time'  on the analysis. However, I am a long way from giving up, so
please be patient.

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>