

 This is one of those Web rumors that refuses to die.  Here is the info I found
on my representative Henry Waxman's
home page when it last surfaced in March"

Many constituents have contacted me to express their disapproval of a
 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plan to charge new,
 per-minute Internet access fees.

      The FCC does not plan to do this. Although Internet users have
      circulated a rumor to this effect, the FCC has published a fact
      sheet to dispel this report.

 In addition, no legislation has been introduced that would impose
 additional fees on Internet users. In fact, on October 21, 1998, President
 Clinton signed into law the "Internet Tax Freedom Act," which
 established a national policy against state and local government
 interference with interstate commerce on the Internet or interactive
 computer services and imposed a three-year moratorium on Internet
 access taxes. This moratorium will allow an Advisory Commission on
 Electronic Commerce