

Friends-- I must publically THANK Eileen Stafford for checking with me
BEFORE sending to the list a virus hoax ("Bud Frog screensaver" ) that she
got on "good authority "from her lawyer son----  I was able to tell her it
was an oldie but baddie  that has been surfing the net for ages.

By checking, Eileen saved all of us---and who knows whoelse---time and
irritation and bandwidth.

She gets my "Genius of the Week Award"  !   :-)

I reminded her, and am reminding you all, that you can check this stuff out
for yourselves.  Here are 2 websites that give you a good start, and there
are more--(one whole site devoted to countering the claims of damage from
Aspartame, for example.)

>You can see for yourself at one of these websites---and tell your son to
>look it up, too.

> the truth re: virus warnings

> lists the Bud
>Frogs hoax

NOTE to janet  paterson---would it be possible somewhere to include a
warning about  this sort of thing on the wensite you have set up?  I think
that would be a real public service---Here are some other sites for
checking out hoaxes, scams, and urban legends:
   re: safety of Aspartame

       Camilla Flintermann,                             <[log in to unmask]>  My Home Page

             "  Knowing when to insist, and when to let be,
               is,perhaps, a lifetime learning experience  ."
                              --Mary McCurry