

Joy that would be great.  Please send any information you have.  As I stated
we don't have alot here.  We went home last month (USA) and had a doctor
check him over. States the samethings that the doctor here does.

I do hope that we are able to meet in Australia.  That would be so much fun.

Pennie and Terry

>From: Bob & Joy Graham <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Australia Conference
>Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 22:05:37 +0800
>Hi Pennie & Terry,
>Do you live in Japan?
>This is Joy Graham - from Perth here - If you come to the conference I hope
>to meet you too!  Bob and I organised the last conference in Perth and this
>was when we "discovered" Kathrynne Holden.  Jeanna is right, she is worth
>coming to hear!!!  We are launching an Australian version of her nutrition
>manual at the conference.
>I can assure you our conferences are GREAT!
>Now, another thing.  We (that is the Parkinson's Associaiton of WA and
>Curtin University school of nursing) recently held a course on PD for
>health professsionals to which a nurse from Japan attended.  Would you like
>to be put in touch with her? I have no real idea of where she lives, but I
>do have her email address.
>My best wishes
>JOY Graham (CG Bob, nearly 60, PD for ten years)

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