

The alarms everyone has mentioned sound great but how many times can the
alarms sound a day?  Dad needs to be reminded 8 times a day to take his
meds.  Could you please write the wegpage, toll free number, price, and
how many times it can sound in a day?  Sure appreciate it.
Betty CG

>we have a watch by timex that sets five different alarm times a day.  it
>is fairly loud and rings twice if you didn't shut it off the first time.
>i also use an over timer.  it is by cooks club and is small.  it has a
>clip on the back and i clip it to a breast pocket, belt or  purse strap
>depending where i am.  i reset it each hour as i take liquid sinemet
>every hour.  it rings loud and  for a fairly long time.  i got it at
>lechtners (sp) in the mall.