

** Reply to note from "Parkinson's Information Exchange" <[log in to unmask]>        Wed, 26 May 1999 21:45:22 -0400

> the restlessness or twitchiness you may hear associated with PD
> tends to be dyskinesia = uncontrolled movements,
> generally caused by too high a level of levodopa
> in someone who has had pd for a number of years and/or
> has become sensitive to minute changes in dopamine levels

I'm pretty sure that my father's movements are caused by the dyskinesia, since
it seems to increase in conjunction with his dosage of Sinemet.  When we tried
to switch from regular Sinemet to Sinemet CR, his random movements were less,
but everything else seemed to be worse.

I'll check into the RLS in the archives anyway.  Thanks for the pointers.

Richard R. Klemmer
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