

Your poem really ambushed me this morning.  It expressed so many of my
thoughts and it was done so beautifully.   Thank you for sharing it with us.

Marty Rose
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Greene <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 11:24 PM
Subject: "Do Not Think Badly of Me " - a poem

>"Do Not Think Badly of Me"
>Do not think badly of me if I have to go
>past where you have to stop
>or if at times I seem to be in
>some far distant country of my own;
>do not believe that I don't want to be
>where you are, for it is not so,
>nor could it be when every joy I've known,
>I've known through you.
>No I would never go - given the choice.
>I seldom tell you but you surely know
>just how aware I am that every day
>you have a choice - and chose to walk
>with me along these roads I walk against
>my will, willingly going where I am slow
>to go, sharing a future we can only know
>from ambiguous answers to half asked
>questions.  I wonder if you really know
>what strength your presence gives me.
>And if in the far future there's a road
>that I must walk alone in deepest silence;
>then I will walk that road and know
>your love walks with me.  Do not think
>badly of me if I have to go past where
>my words all stop; our love transcends
>the things we think we know , and while
>I breathe I will be whispering low, and
>just below each breath, the words - I love you
>(c) Dennis Greene 1999