

On Thu 27 May, Jim Finn wrote:
> Group -
> Here's a little trick that I find helps to quickly "kick-in" Sinemet;
> especially the first dose in the morning.
> Instead of taking it with water, I use regular (Classic) Coca-Cola.  It seems
> (for me, at least) to work better than water or fruit juice.
> Try it; you've got nothing to lose.
> Jim
Hello Jim, This kind of practical assistance to those less experienced in
using Sinemet is good to see; If you don't mind, I would like to add it
to the next revision of my 'Living with Levadopa' booklet.

while we are on the subject let me warn those who take a much higher dose
than normal first thing in the morning, in a desperate effort to get
themselves up and running. I understand the need, and yes, you do arrive
at the target rate of flow earlier if you take a larger dose, BUT from
that point on, you start to pay for that high dose - You go shooting
through the the target rate of flow, into an area where I am convinced
is not a good place to be.  You may not sufeer any noticeable effects,
but this may be because you are on the 'learner slopes' of PD, and damage
may still be occuring, and will show up in later stages of PD

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>