

Dear Charlie,

I can hardly express how relieved and thrilled I feel to know that you
are already walking around again. VERY happy tears for you here!  Maybe
the wheelchair will be collecting dust from disuse soon.

Congratulations , Charlie !

Ivan :-)

On Fri, 28 May 1999 10:46:56 -0500 "Charles T. Meyer, M.D."
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I spoke too soon.  After getting out of bed and into my wheel chair as
>usual I went to the
>computer and read my mail and composed the response below.  Then I
>decided to get up and try
>to walk which I did with my walker with amazing ease. My wife was
>incredulous   You have to
>realize that even transfers were extremely difficult- I went
>downstairs for the first time in
>a year to wake up my son  I took a shower then called my mother who
>was in tears- chilled a
>bottle of champaign and walked around again.  Truly amazing- still
>some adjustments to be
>made  but I'M on my way!!!  STN is clearly the wave of the future - at
>least for me. It is
>truly a miraculous change even on the first adjustment.