Hi Jennifer,
Now that it is over (the best thing about PMS) my post may seem belated unless you read it next month :>) . . .   I searched every medical data base I have and yielded nothing.  It may not be surprising since women's issues PD or otherwise, receive always back seat approach by the research community. It is regrettable in a larger sense since almost every condition including PD expresses itself somewhat differently in males and females both in terms of the different metabolism hormonal makeup body built etc (i.e., constitutional differences) but also due to different lifestyle issues.  This is probably a topic for larger discussion but regarding PMS  (or as we shrinks call it: Late Luteal Dysphoria): There is no need to eagerly await menopause.  Many treatment strategies exist and they are helpful.  The scope is too long to bring here but if you do a search using Infoseek keywords Premenstrual Syndrome you will find a wealth of helpful information.  Regrettably, as I stated above I could not find any useful suggestion about menstrual cycle and sinemet effectiveness but at least the mood changes can be helped. 
Hope this is helpful,
Rami  (partner of 18 years to a PMS sufferer and still alive)
Rami Kaminski MD
----- Original Message -----
From: [log in to unmask]>Jennifer Smith
To: [log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 1999 9:25 PM
Subject: PMS & PD

Thank you all for your great responses.  I got through the day and feel
a bit better, especially knowing that I am not crazy or alone on this
subject.  I have ado
pted a new attitude about this and how to deal with it.....

One thing did occur to me that I hadn't really thought of that several
of you mentioned, menopause.   #@%??*#!!!  AAUUGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be 42 in a couple of months so I guess I have lots of time to
ponder on it.  I feel deeply for those of you who are experiencing that
along with PD.  Thanks again for all the wonderful  moral support.
Jennifer Smith

Ars Longa - Vita Brevis
Art is Long - Life is short
:(:) )