

YIKES!!!  I go off-list for a few days in order to have surgery (I
look MAAARVELOUS - tho my face and neck are sporting a variety of
autumn colors sploched all over 'em) <predominantly lemon yellow,
red, (both dark and bright), green, blue, and black>
and find my beloved List appears to be over run with TONS OF
PIGGIES in my absence!

I mean now REALLY youse guys, what is HAPPENING to you all, huh?
PIG-O-MANIA posts predominate, instead of the sedate and dignified
posts usually seen here. (HAHAHA!  Barbie, you're SUCH a liar).

Sheeeeeesh!  If you all keep going on about them piggies, I'm
gonna be afraid to leave ya home alone! <smirk>

SHAPE UP! (Yeah, SURE) <grin>

Barb Mallut
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