

Dear John Bjork---I have recently checked with the famous flying pigs of
Cincinnati, who have temporarily been in touch with the  planners of the
new "Underground Railroad Museum" located up the Ohio river from their
home.  They are working on plans to have an "Airborne Railroad", patterned
after the famous Underground Railroad that transported slaves north to
freedom in the Civil War days.  They anticipate that in this way they can
safely manage to FLY to Parkinsaw,MI,  with help along the way from
various "airport terminals" where they can be fed and sheltered until it is
safe to move on.  They, too, like the slaves of the past, fear for their
lives and  seek sanctuary in the north, where the benevolence of
Parkinsaw's Parkies has offered refuge to these pathetic Porkies!   Please
inform Mr. Doowrong to expect the first  arrivals within a few days,  since
they will be taking a direct route (as the pig flies)  to arrive in safety
as soon as possible.  It is rumored that the nearby town of Eaton, Ohio, is
again planning their annual "Pork Festival;", and this news has added an
element of urgency to their plans.  So if you spot a strange form
silhouetted against the full moon some night soon, it's not E.T., it's a
flying Porkie !

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !