

Dear List-family - especially those who're members of the "Hole in
the Head Gang," and those who take non-prescription,
over-the-counter vitamins and supplements......

During last week's major plastic surgery I had what the surgeon
referred to as an "potentially dangerous anomaly," that caused
what had been planned as being a 5 hour surgery to take 10 hours.
It could have been caused by my 10/94 unilateral pallidotomy
and/or it could have been caused by the accumulative effects of
the non-prescription, over-the-counter vitamins and supplements I
took daily  up to two weeks prior to the surgery, at which time
per the doctor's orders, I ceased taking all but the PD-related

The reason my doctor told be to stop taking the vitamins and
supplements, including  vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, Coenzyme CQ10,
and the Centrum Silver multivitamins was because it's definitely
known that vitamin E, and Gingko-related supplements cause blood
to slow down in coagulating, thus potentially causing excessive
blood  loss during surgery.

And THAT is exactly what happened to me - with an odd twist to the

It appears that ONLY on the RIGHT side of my body (and my
pallidotomy was performed on the LEFT side of my brain to help the
right side of my body) was there excessive bleeding accompanied by
very slow clotting.

According to the surgeon it seemed to him like the right side and
the left side were each having totally different surgical

This evening I spoke with Tony Schoonenberg, Dr. Iacono's
assistant in order to discuss this anomaly and find out if such a
thing might in some way may be related to having had a unilateral
pallidotomy, however, Tony hadn't ever heard of that in relation
to the neurosurgery.

This bleeding p;problem MAY be just limited to my own surgical
experience and can be a one-time-only event, however, I felt it
should be mentioned here on the List because so many of our List
members have had neurosurgery and others are thinking about having

Forewarned is forearmed....

Barb Mallut