

Dear Rick
I have found over the last few years the same problem but only occurs
when I am approaching "off" time or before meds .have kicked in 100% Are
you under Medicated? If I can I just try not to be behind the wheel at
this time. I can no longer drive any distance , as the leg tremor as
soon a s I stop driving would go nuts for a while until I rested.
Unfortunately I suffer from exhaustion if drive too far where I have a
shutter effect of an instant kind of "blackkout and return to "normalcy"
within seconds . I get this in the evening after an active day its
almost like a dyskinisia as my coffee is always ending uy down the front
of me as I jerk into these seconds of where? Anyone else experiencing
this peculiaritiy ?
Margaret Clark 59/11  Sinemet Sinemet CR Elderpryl Mirapex