


Is it possible that you could now be considered "disabled" and "unemployable"
since you're "battery is dead"? (God, sounds like an awful auto problem, doesn't
it?)   Just because you were not determined to be fully disabled three years ago
when you quit working, doesn't mean that you could get a job now in your current
condition.  So maybe you are eligible for Social Security disability now.  And how
are your finances now?  Anything that could qualify for Medicaid?  If your
finances are "too good", could you put them in a trust with a relative as "Power
of Attorney" based on your PD?  This arrangement could always be reversed if you
wished to reverse it later as long as you can prove you are of "sound mind"
(whatever THAT is!)

Just a thought.   Don't give up.   There must be a way around this.   Most systems
can be honestly "played".    glenna

JaneRoss wrote:

> The  discussion seems to include me let me say I would never try to
> discourage anyone the feeling of freedom that I had these past three years.
> It was like a dream.  As most of you know I had experimental DBS surgery
> three years ago that my insurance company refused to pay for.  My insurance
> company was the ONLY insurance company to deny payment.  I believe the
> other patients were covered by medicare.
> Several years ago a social security judge declared that I wasn't fully disabled
> when I quit working and I was denied my Social Security rights so I don't
> have medicare.
> Now I have a dead battery on my right side.  They want to take my left
> battery and place it on the other side so I would get possibly get a couple
> of more years out of it and would disable my left side which since the
> surgery has almost stabilized even when turned off.
> I have put off calling them to see where I stand with my insurance company
> but Monday I must face reality.  I will call.
> This has turned into a nightmare for me, It is like giving a child an ice
> cream cone then just when they find out how good it is, take it away. I
> want my stimulator back!
> jjjane