

I am experiencing an increase of "hot Flashes" especially since the weather
has turned hot.  I was having them even this past winter as well.  It seems
to be mostly at the end of dose time  - in other words when meds are wearing
off and in the night when I'm supposed to be sleeping.

Marty Rose 59/12
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-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Olson <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: Thermostat problems

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pat McGinnis <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 3:15 PM
>Subject: Thermostat problems
>>I have been experiencing problems with my internal thermostat.  I am hot
>>most all the time, I can feel that it is cool around me, but I sweat and I
>>am  very uncomfortable most of the time.  I am wondering if any one else
>>had this problem and if so what is a solution.  If I was a woman I would
>>guess I was going thru a change of life, but I am a 51 male.   My
>>neurologist unexpectedly quit and I am looking for a new one, until I find
>>one I am looking for any  help I can find.
>>Thanks in advance.
>>Pat McGinnis  51/12
>>Dear Pat--
>I do not have much to offer along the line of coping with a somewhat
>case I have. My problems involve both feeling too hot and sweating my bed
>clothes damp at night and being extremely sensitive to any drafts in that I
>do not tolerate air conditioning very well. In fact. It is another instance
>of trying to live on that delicate edge beween having sufficient
>carbidopa/levodopa to control symptoms and less than the amount that brings
>on  dyskinesias.This has been a problem since earl;y  in the course of the
>disease( 69, dx some 16 years ago) I think it may have ameliorated some
>I changed from Parlopdel to Permax and I might be getting a little more
>relief from Tasmar.
>             I hope we get some response from others who have good methods
>of coping with thermostat problems
>Best Wishes, Bill Olson  69/dx 1983..