

Would "Boost" be better? (My son is ADHD and I have to give him Boost
plus Adult vitamins plus what he eats regularly)  Also, is this too
much protein or too little? How much in Fruits/Vegetables would she need
to eat to balance. Right now, my mom is giving her some vitamins, 3 cans
of ensure, plus the fruits/vegetables.  I know Grandma eats 1 duck egg,
a piece of toast, small orange juice and ensure for breakfast. Lunch
kind of varies, but it is usually fruits/vegetables with Chicken.
loves Chick-Fil-A!!!)  Ensure as a mid-snack and then fruits/vegetables
Mom had quit giving Grandma the vitamins a while back and that is when
PD really started showing up. So far, grandma's symptoms have improved
a bit. I will get the facts off of the vitamin bottles and post.

Grandma isn't on meds yet. She has to go to the neurologist next week
the final diagnosis and possibly start medication.

Is PD similar to ADD/ADHD where a combination of medicine and diet help
alleviate (though not cure) the problem?

We're trying to keep grandma active. My mom has ducks, geese and pygmy
that she raises and sells. Grandma has a set routine where she collects
eggs in the morning. Plays with the baby goats after breakfast. Gets the
about 11. When we get over there, we go swimming. I also try to take her
Wal-mart with me.

I apologize for the length of my posts but I want to have as much
as I can, plus try and make sure we are doing the right things. My mom
on me to help her make the right decisions and I like to deal in facts.
