

John Bjork, you are a funny, funny man. I can't tell   you how good it
feels to laugh out loud after a long,(I work in a hospital)hot, (it was
almost 100 degrees in CT today and we're not used to this kind of
weather so early in the season.) I will take under advisement your sage
suggestions on how best to transport our persecuted preppie porcine
pals to the paradise that is Parkinsaw. Just how cold does it get in
Michigan in winter? And do you have any Macy's or Lord & Taylor's? I
guess my idea of commuter rail to New York City and subway from there
wouldn't work? (Some of the pigs have balked at flying lessons. Even
after we pushed them out of the plane.)My geography gets a bit fuzzy
west of Pennsylvania.
Kathrynne, come visit us in Connecticut. Its beautiful in October.
Hopefully we'll have the pig situation in hand by then.

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