

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       breezy,  86  deg. F   :-)
Hi PD-folks*,

A PD-drama is going on here in Maine.  Last night we rehearsed without
our music folders. I have been memorizing lyrics and rehearsing
choreography every day lately.

It took 2 and 1/2 hours for me to dress and be ready to sing.  I made the
mistake of eating a cheese sandwich and an apple too close to rehearsal
time! My medications stopped working!  I was anxious and stressed.

After drinking Mountain Dew soda, and getting my calf muscles massaged,
and sucking on hard candies,  I finally felt better. Although slightly
sweaty and with eyesight slightly out-of-focus, I did unusually well.

I am grateful that my memorization is perfectly  intact.  I was a little
worried that, with PD making me tired, I might have trouble remembering
lyrics of unfamiliar songs.

My voice volume is less than it used to be,  until I am warmed up
thoroughly. But last night, I somehow managed to "belt out" all three of
my solos. I took extra yellow Sinemet 25/100( about 1/3 of a tablet) and
ate extra Reese's Peanut Butter Cups during the breaks.  This worked!

The Director and all chorus members know I have PD, and we all were
relieved that I sang better than ever.  I also did the hand claps, and
the arm and leg dance motions where called for, without a problem.

  One of the small miracles from all this singing, despite PD, is that I
am acquiring new friends who are amazed that I can perform on stage, and
who become very curious about what it takes me to battle PD.

One is a local TV host, who just told me on the telephone that he is
requesting a camera crew. He is putting in the request today to his

Just to be out there, singing in chorus for the public to enjoy, is a big
thrill.  I feel like I am
outwitting PD. I wonder who else has been so fortunate to entertain and
inspire others, even if the preparations and techniques to get ready are
quite complicated.

Our three concert nights are June 17 - 19, 8 PM. (Thurs - Sat) Anyone on
the List can e-mail me about tickets and so forth.  There will be
videotapes made, but with union labor rules and  chorus production
regulations, I do not know when or if I can obtain personal distribution

The weather in Maine is now absolutely splendid, so come visit us in
Portland!  I just got fitted for the tuxedo (we sing in formal chorus
attire). It's quite a thrill to realize that I will be on stage in less
than two weeks!

Ivan  Suzman  :-0   (singing bass solos)

*e-mail copy to my neuro (John Boothby, MD)