

 Hi Everyone,

I am re-posting a message I sent a short while ago.  With your permission, I
would like to post it periodically to let all newcomers know (and to remind
"old timers") that PDKIDS is an email list--similar to this one-- for kids to
find support by sharing with each other.   If you know of kids who live with
a family member who has PD, encourage them to send an email to subscribe to
PDKIDS.  This is a list for all PDKIDS  through teenage years.

 Susan Reese, RN, LCSW
 National Coordinator
 American Parkinson Disease Association
 Young PD I&R Center


The American Parkinson Disease Association Young Parkinson's Information &
Referral Center  ( in partnership with the
Adrienne Coles Memorial Trust  ( is sponsoring
PDKIDS, an email discussion list for kids who are living in a family with
Parkinson's Disease.

PDKIDS was established as a forum for children (through teenage years)
affected by PD to have a place to share with each other.  Kids may discuss in
confidence (to the extent that an Internet list will allow) anything they
wish about living with a parent or grandparent who has  PD.

A word about privacy: Subscriber names and personal email addresses will be
automatically deleted from email headers posted to the list to ensure
confidentiality.  Using the "reply" button to respond to a member's posted
email will go directly to the PDKIDS list, not to an individual member.
There will be a "light adult presence" on the list, serving to provide
technical guidance and to ensure that the conversation remains constructive.
This "presence" will be provided by the APDA Young Parkinson's Information &
Referral Center and by Simon Coles, the administrator of the Adrienne Coles
Memorial Trust and himself an adult PD kid. The list archive is private to
list members.

   To join PDKIDS, send an email to
        [log in to unmask]

   To discuss Parkinson's Disease in general, please join one of the
   lists at

   To reach the list owners, send an email to
   [log in to unmask]

 A special thank you to our friend Simon Coles and the Adreinne Coles Memorial
 Trust for partnering with us on this project.