

This my general welcome to all the new members that have joined in the last 2
months, things have been very hectic, and have not been able to welcome each
One statement comes to mind,  "This is the best thing going since sliced
bread," I know that one dated me, but that's the best I can do off the top of
my head.  I love this list and would be lost without all the information that
goes through in one day
Everyone, please keep up the good work, and remember Pennies for Parkinson,
it's an ongoing project, and gives each of us POWER to do something for
Actually, every time you send a message, put something in a jar, that's
painless and will add to your savings for research.
Gerry and Brig age 59 with 13 years of this lousy disease and certainly going
on 14 years.