

PMID 9884583 Links Parkinsons disease to retinoid receptors.  RARB Mutant
mice are blind.
PMID 600825 Links retinoid receptors to cytochrome c, succinate
dehydrogenase, which is part of complex I NADH- CoQ10.
Succinic acid is used in the manufacture of lacquers, perfumes and as a
neutralizing agent in food.
Succinyl CoA is an intermediate product of the tricarboxylic acid cycle c
AMP or cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
Adenosine monophosphate is effected by carbaryl, a wide sprectum
insecticide, colorless, odorless,a good solvent, and does not break down in
ground water.

Anyway, Ligand is trying two new retinoid drugs.  Targretin  is for cancer,
type II diabetes, and psoriasis. Type two Diabetes is linked to Parkinsons
and my color-blind Parkinsonian has type two diabetes and psoriasis.
ALRT1550 is being used for cancer. I bet they both are potentially helpful
for Parkinsons Disease. I wrote to the only e-mail address of them I could
find, a job-application address, and asked them to contact Mass General,
Boston, Ma and gave them a couple of research doctors to talk to.

Things are looking good.
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