

Hi everyone who responded to the above question,
I found the response quite overwhelming. Here is me thinking it was some
peculiar side effect pertaining to me.Yes I have been mentioning it to
both my neurologist and GP both of whom were not over anxious about it
as my blood pressure is always  low. I was at one point worried I may be
having series of strokes but nothing indicated this at all .I have been
having them for some years  and beleive is linked up with fatigue. Being
mostly of evening I also was wandering about medication buildup ?But I
just do not go out when I feel these go slow and stop situations. Gina
you sound as if your experiances are exactly the same and my mouse is
the one that is suffering as I lapse into these instances usually falls
and dangles at the end of its cord the paper I am working on has a long
line of whatever letter my finger has rested on.
Well lets keep our heads out of the Spaghetti and the coffee off our
sweaters and hope that someone may come up with a solution.......
Love ,faith and hope for a cure
Margaret 59/11
Sinemet 25/100 x 1 1/2 Sinemet CR 50/200 x4 Eldepryl 5mg x 2
Mirapex 1mg x 4 1/2
Thank you all once again and look forward to ny further