

Earlier, I floated the May edition of the above titled Guide down to the
List.  It has since been pointed out that the Guide is sponsored by "the
drug companies", and,  as such, should be viewed through skeptical
lenses.  I confess that I did not notice the Guide sponsors. Although
the sponsoring consultants may well be providing excellent information,
suffice it  to say that as it is read, due diligence should be applied
to the content just like any source of information.  Since I'm a
humorist with PD and not a Doctor nor specialist in PD, it probably
would have been better had I simply filed it away for future reference
here in sunny Parkinsaw, MI. Or, at the very least, I should have read
it, and identified the source before passing it on.   Mea culpa.  I
apologise to the List.  I guess I'm so used to posting Parkinsaw stories
that I forgot to be more responsible with medical information.  As the
old rabbit said to the young rabbit, "It's been a bad hare day."

I think it's time for a couple of Levolagers over at the Northern Lights
microbrewery, and then on to check-out the recently arrived mutant geese
who were thought  to be "Flying Pigs" last week.  Cheers!

John Bjork
Parkinsaw, MI
"A View from the Lighter Side of PD"