Hello.  My name is Kathy Matthews.  I am 52 years of age, and was officially diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 1996, although I had been having considerable problems long before that.  I was also misdiagnosed with a seizure disorder (who knows? maybe I have that too), and was on antiepilepticsantiepleptics for a considerable period of time----none of which did much to help me, and all of which I became toxic to.  So after going to several neurologists over several years, and getting the run around at UCLA, I finally ended up with a neurologist who listened to me more than anyone else and came up with the diagnosis of PD. 
I was an active, competitive runner, and completed 20 marathons.  Plus I was an active cyclist and participated in many long-distance cycling events.  It became more and more difficult for me to participate in those sports, and in fact it became difficult to function at all.  I had to retire from my job as a case manager for developmentally disabled adults because it was just too stressful and exacerbated my symptoms.  I have been on sinemet since 1996. 
I suffer from depression as a result of PD, and try to go into a denial mode whenever possible--except lately I've not been able to do that very well because I have been feeling worse. I also have a terrible time sleeping at night.  I understand that these are common problems with people who have PD, and would like to know what has helped some of them.  I am currently taking Zoloft for my depression, 75 mg., but feel it will have to be increased.  I have had some people tell me that the Zoloft also helps with anxiety.